Care Solutions Inc.

Let’s work together to make a difference.

Let’s work together to make a difference.

Let’s work together to
make a difference.

Impact Report: ProSolutions Training

At ProSolutions Training, our purpose was to inspire potential through learning, technology, and leadership. We created awesome opportunities with explosive growth, championing efficiency, and wowing clients and prospects.

We offered multiple products that centered around a core of online professional development courses and a variety of ways to deliver the courses. Products included Group and Individual Training Subscriptions, Child Development Associate (CDA) Training/Bulk CDA (3+ students), Training Bundles, New Courses, Client Courses, and Individual Courses/Packages.

Our training programs impacted the families and children in child care programs by furthering the knowledge of early care and education teachers, directors, and other staff.

Annual Report: Communities 4 Children 2022

Communities 4 Children (C4C) is a nonprofit organization that believes in the importance of positive childhood experiences for vulnerable children and youth, particularly those in foster care. C4C aims to supplement basic support and go beyond what the state and foster parents can provide.

We work hard to stay flexible and adaptable to ensure that we offer support where truly needed. In 2022, after speaking with our partners at the Division of Family & Children Services (DFCS), C4C learned that the out-of-home congregate care provider community has given wonderfully positive feedback on the holiday support we have provided over the past few years.

In 2022, C4C was awarded a $15,000 grant by The Katherine John Murphy Foundation to support our work for children in foster care. The Murphy Foundation provides grants each year to organizations that give back to the greater Atlanta community. C4C was honored to receive this award and excited to deepen our impact on the lives of children in foster care.

Annual Report: Communities 4 Children 2021

Communities 4 Children (C4C) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting Georgia’s children and families. Founded on the belief that all children deserve to have a sense of dignity, experience the simple pleasures of life, and have access to opportunities for success, C4C aims to deliver these experiences to Georgia’s most vulnerable children — particularly those living in shelters, foster care, and in reduced economic circumstances.

Every year, C4C conducts campaigns for donations of time, needed items, and financial support to benefit Georgia’s children in need. These campaigns are only possible thanks to the support of our community. These partnerships allow us to fulfill and expand our mission to promote the growth and achievements of youth in foster care.
Communities 4 Children also provides professional support on a non-profit basis for programs serving children in need and their families, including consulting, program management, professional development, and technology solutions, capitalizing on the experience of Care Solutions, Inc., a private management consulting firm affiliated with Communities 4 Children.