Care Solutions Inc.

Briana Evans

Briana Evans

Position: Manager, Social Services
Categories: Program Consulting

I would enroll in a course on financial literacy. This course would involve covering topics of credit card usage, understanding credit scores, loans, grants, and investments. In college, we were given thousands of dollars in student loans but never received proper guidance on how to manage loan money, or any money for that matter. A course on financial literacy would be extremely beneficial to help me learn how to become financially stable and manage money more smartly.

I could think of so many superpowers I would love to have on a daily basis. However, if I had to choose one superpower, I would love to have a photographic memory. Not only could this increase my general knowledge, but this could also be beneficial at work when reviewing contracts and documents. Having a photographic memory of previous documents can help in a team project when working on development for the new year.