Care Solutions Inc.

Carla Rogg

Carla Rogg

Position: Chief Executive Officer
Categories: C-Suite

My favorite Book Club pick is The Customer Service Revolution by Josh Dijulius III. We give this book to every new employee regardless of title or position and have used it as a book club with individual teams. It guides our expectations on how staff offer exceptional experiences for our customers.

If I could take any course, I would choose How to Grow Orchids. I love orchids and I work hard to keep them alive, but they always seem to die sooner than they should. I have yet to be successful in getting them to re-bloom!

I have a painted rock on my desk given to me by a dear high school friend who was going through breast cancer and has recovered. It represents the importance of friendships, strength and courage. Whenever I’m having a bad day, it gives me the kick I need to keep going.